Tonight was her first official bath. We had washed her feet before and I gave her a bath from the neck down, but tonight we washed her from head to tootsies. I just couldn't bring myself to take a picture of her all wet...too sad looking, so we'll keep her dignity. She wasn't too happy being wet, even snuggled into a dryer warmed towel, but she quickly recovered when we gave her some organic spirulina and then her food. She surprisingly didn't try to nip or bite at us when we were washing her. Here is our squeaky clean girl...
Of course she had already shook off her nice brushing she received, but at least she's nice and bright white again. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to put her bangs into a ponytail soon.
We weighed her in on Saturday at 3 lbs & she's 12 weeks old.
We are madly in love with her! She still loves torturing her kitty sisters, but everything is starting to settle in to place. Everyone warns that when she hits 6 months that she'll get to her chewing stage, but she's far ahead of herself...she's not happy if she's not chewing or biting at something, usually my necklaces or clothing or Sean's fingers. I try to keep a toy handy to keep her occupied.
More adventures coming soon!
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